The geopolitical situation has triggered a need for a significant scale-up of Nammo's production in 2023/24. Such growth is not uncomplicated for the cluster, but it also creates substantial opportunities for the other members.
Development of subcontractors
Nammo’s Scale-up from a cluster perspective contributes to the development of subcontractors.
Dokka Fasteners, a major manufacturer of bolts for wind turbines, has struggled over several years to achieve profitable operations and fully utilize capacity. As a subcontractor for Nammo since the fall of 2023, the company has flourished, achieving both belonging and success. Dokka Fasteners has taken advantage of the ecosystem's offerings (MTNC) to improve its production technology, maintenance systems, and expertise.
Raufoss Industrial park has expanded its areas, and Nammo is the first company to establish a new factory on the site.
Nammo also utilizes the network’s expertise, both in MTNC regarding production technology for metal pressing, and notably for productivity increases, where other cluster members are ahead in development.
Significant growth
The picture is complex when a member of the cluster experiences such growth. It shifts competence from other members to Nammo, which can create tension, but overall, industrial growth and national attention to the cluster's importance are positive.
The growth contributes to the cluster's goal of doubling turnover while simultaneously reducing the climate footprint, and economic growth for companies functioning as subcontractors.
Competence, development and acquisition
The other part of Nammo's Scale-Up revolves around competence. Nammo aims to expand its work with skilled worker recruitment and collaborates closely with the Learning Factory and other actors to achieve this.
The Learning Factory primarily works with four different groups that also need to be scaled up as a result of Nammo's Scale-Up:
For people with different educational backgrounds, the Learning Factory has developed an introductory course in basic knowledge needed for a job in the industry. In collaboration with the Training Office, the Learning Factory delivers an introduction to Industrial Safety, Occupational Health and Safety (HMS), and Lean.
The complexity of the project is significant. Many participants are involved, and each must contribute their part of the whole. The offerings are developing rapidly due to Nammo's situation and become available to all members of the cluster. A significant advantage of doing this collectively and not as an individual company. This gives the cluster a position also with respect to the largest member company and supports one of the main purposes of NCE Manufacturing.
And we are just at the beginning of this industrial adventure.
Nammo is an international aerospace and defense company headquartered in Norway. With 2 800 employees across 27 production sites and a presence in 11 countries, Nammo is today one of the world’s leading providers of specialty ammunition and rocket motors for both military and civilian customers.